Saturday, July 13, 2019

Artist Ant Interviews People Summer Series #9: Adam Balaban 7/13/19

Interviewer: Anthony Andujar Jr

Interviewee: Adam Balaban

   Hello all who enter this digital landscape that is the internet! I’d like to invite you all to the latest entry of the Artist Ant Interviews People Summer Series. The individual that I decided to interview is a friend of mine from the Comic Pop facebook community page. Both of us are fans of comic books, and notably the youtube channel/ podcast Comic Pop. During the past few months I've been producing a series of illustrations that told an ambiguous story, and Adam took it upon himself to make a short story based on my illustrations. An exceptional writer and an amazing individual that I figured you’d have to see for yourself through the course of the Q and A. Here, we, GO!

Q0. Who are your inspirations?
AB: I don't think I really have any, if you're talking about life in general. If you're talking about art, it's more "what" cause I get inspiration and ideas from a lot of places.

Q1. How did you get into art?
AB: I think I've always been into art since I was a little kid drawing pictures of Power Rangers and making books with no words. Apparently I knew all the stories in my head, cause when I look at them now it's hard to remember what the narratives were.

Q2. When did you take art seriously?
AB: I think I started writing more seriously at 12 or 13.

Q3. What drives you in your daily life?
AB: The idea that things will get better and you have to keep moving forward. I think a lot of people worry about their past; I've gotten better at not dwelling on it and trying to focus on the future.

Q4. What made you the person that you are today?
AB: A lot of things, good and bad. Things I succeeded or failed at, others that were out of my control. Or at least I feel like they were. Sorry if that's a little melancholy. 

Q5.  If you could speak to any living creator or inspiration, who
would it be, why, and what would talk to them about?
AB: Right now it would be Dan Avidan from "Game Grumps" and "Ninja Sex Party." He seems pretty creative and his singing is beautiful, I'd just want to chill and talk and be friends with him. Nothing profound.

Q6. If there were any deceased creators , actors, singers, writers,
etc that you would want to speak to, who would it be, and why?
AB: I wrote a story featuring a Playboy Bunny (Just featuring! She wasn't even a main character!) and Hugh Hefner died, then I wrote something inspired by "Zombie" lyrics and Dolores O'Riordan died, so I kinda feel I owe them an apology. I didn't expect Tom Wolfe's death, I would've liked to talk to him. The only person I can think of really would be Stan Lee, just because of how big he was. Always seemed fun and never mean, he'd always been an old guy, and maybe I'd meet him at a convention someday. He was somebody who was always going to be around...

Q7. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
AB: Travelling has taught me that home is usually better. But I still want a Sailor Moon action figure, so maybe Japan.

Q8. What is one thing that you fear?
AB: Death. That's the obvious one, but it's more about losing myself. I believe I will come back, but I won't know who I was before or that I was even here. Everything I am now, what I like to do, the music I listen to, my personality and identity, that will all be lost, and I don't want to lose that...The things you think about late at night in the dark...

Q 10.  If you had a superpower what would it be and why?
AB: I used to want to be Mystique from the X-Men (1992) cartoon cause somehow I got the impression that when she became somebody else she got their powers, so I was like, why wouldn't you want to be her? But apparently that's not the case. Then I wanted invisibility so I could eavesdrop, then teleportation so I could move instantly from place to place, then manipulating reality cause I could do anything. Nowadays I want to fly because I think that would feel amazing and free. 

Q11. What catches your attention when you meet people?
AB: Their attractiveness. I know that sounds bad, but it's true. When I first see someone, I immediately categorize them as pretty, beautiful, cute, handsome, etc. They may sound like synonyms, but there's a difference. Don't ask me to put them in order, though.

. Q12. What is one word of advice that you would impart to your younger self?
AB: I would say "plan" but I don't know if that would have really changed things for the better. Everything is supposed to happen for a reason, right? I'm still waiting for my future self to turn up and let me know what happens.  Actually, now that I think about it, the biggest thing would be "STOP PROCRASTINATING! JUST DO IT!"

Q13. What are three books that you always remember or return to, and
why? How did they shape you?
AB:  Falls the Shadow by Daniel O'Mahony. It's a Doctor Who novel from the 90s about reality and time travel, things that never were, a man and woman who embody suffering and kill for fun, complex motives and mental battles, and a character who's not even real. Also, it's his first novel, so that gave me hope as a writer.
Then there's The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand which was recommended by a good friend in college. It spoke to me and I connected with the idea that you should try and do something different to what's come before. We live in an infinite universe, anyone who says everything's been done before is wrong. Also, not to completely spoil the story, but the book has a much more optimistic ending than her later work Atlas Shrugged - that one was just depressing. 
And then Identity Crisis by Brad Meltzer. It was like 2015 when I finally got into comics, and this was the one that started it all. It showed me how adult comics could be and just how great they were. And the fact that Meltzer was actually an author of books rather than comics but could still create a graphic novel is inspiring.

Q14. If you could continue or remake a movie, or franchise, what
would be your film of choice?
AB: I have a good feeling the MCU will continue, and I would love to make a "Young Avengers" movie based on Kieron Gillen's run where they fight Mother. I just thought that was cool, and I loved Wiccan. if I wanted to remake a movie, probably Heavy Metal.

Q15.  If you were to make a film, novel, or comic book based on an
album, what album or artist would you pick?
AB: I'm not a big album person, but if I had to pick probably "Random Access Memories" by Daft Punk. When I was a kid, I saw this commercial on Toonami where these blue people were being brainwashed and something bad was happening, then 12 years later I find out it's called "Interstella 5555" and it's awesome. If you haven't seen it, go watch it. The fact you could make a movie from an album where there's only the music and no dialogue and have it actually work is amazing. So I'd make a RAM film to go with it. 

Q16. Who In this life, has motivated you to stay true to what makes you who are?
AB: I can't really think of anyone in particular. I don't think I've ever not been true to what makes me who I am. Apart from the secrets nobody knows. But if I told you my secrets I'd have to get new ones.

Q17. Where do you hope to see yourself in five years?
AB: Living in my own place and actually getting published. Hopefully.

Q18. What are three albums or songs currently, that you listen to on
repeat? And why?
AB: "MANIA" - Game Chops remaster of Skye Rocket & Hyper Potions - I've gotten back into Sonic the Hedgehog music, and this is an awesome song that gets me pumped up and confident and ready to go FAST!

"It's Not Living (If It's Not With You)" - The 1975 - Very beautiful, almost haunting, and really makes you think of someone special you want to be with.

"Lose Control" - Hedley - Found this on a multi-fandom MEP, but it's so fun to listen. It's like the Sonic music, it gets you excited and feeling positive.

Q19. What color speaks to you the most and why?
AB: I've always liked gray - it's in-between black and white, good and evil, the ultimate middle-ground. 

Q20.What's one thing that you're proud of?
AB: One thing, huh? Probably the biggest is that I helped re-establish a fraternity at college, along with a lot of other guys who said they'd never join a fraternity, really never know what's going to happen.

Q21. What is a mantra that you tell yourself?

AB: You have to keep going.

You can check out the short story Triptych that Adam crafted based off my illustrations below.

Story: Adam Balaban
Inspired by the art of Anthony Andujar Jr
Art by Anthony Andujar Jr. Triptych story by Adam Balaban

The city lay in shambles, a broken reflection of the gleaming mirror it was only a few
hours before. The massive demonoid glared at everything with its three eyes and smashed
building after building, the citizens fleeing in waves of terror. When the defense-mech engaged
it, the carnage only seemed to increase.
Vincent watched the fighting, his cranial implants glowing green as he piloted the mech
remotely. Michael looked up at him. “It’s still not stopping.”
“I need time,” Vincent replied through clenched teeth, and that worried Michael even
more. They’d defeated demonoids before with ease, but lately the encounters had grown more
and more problematic. Even the launch of the defense-mech seemed delayed this time.
Rachel and Denise stood together, surveying the destruction. Rachel was projecting
forward in myriad ways, trying to determine how much longer the fight should last and which

path the outcome would eventually follow, while Denise scanned the city, searching for life-
signs but finding none. That was something else to note. There were always survivors but with

the last three attacks, the demonoids had been very effective in making sure everyone they
targeted would die.

Balaban, Adam 2
“It’s not going to work. It’s not going to work. It’s going to die. It’s going to die.”
Rachel came back to the present and turned to inspect the newest agent, Alexander, who
had been on edge since they arrived in this time-space. “Alex, everything is going to be fine.”
She tried to believe the words herself, but she really only wanted him to stop freaking out
because it was more annoying than bothersome. “Although I can’t find a clear projection...”
“It’s going to die,” Alex continued. “It’s going to die soon, and we’re going to die with it.
This will be the end of life.”
With a thunderous shockwave, the agents braced themselves as the mech pinned the
demonoid to the ground, their hands clasped together in struggle. Michael noted, with some
relief, that Vincent seemed to be sweating less. He tapped a command into his wrist computer
and saw as Vincent stood straighter, his eyes wider. The program should help him tap into
reserve strength. The green circuitry pulsed quicker.
Denise came back and looked at everyone. “There is no one left in the city.”
“Don’t sound too disappointed,” Rachel commented.
“It’s a lost cause. Can’t you feel it?”
“I’m not empathic.”
“The fear has been submerged here. Even if we win–”
“When we win,” Michael corrected her. “Should only be a few more minutes, at most.”
“No one is going to return to their lives here.”
“Open a portal,” Vincent instructed. The others watched as every sensor on the mech’s
face and upper body began to glow, the final strike ready to come.
“It’s going to die. It’s going to die.”
Rachel waved her hand and the sapphire vortex tore open behind them. “Time to leave.”
But Vincent didn’t move. “Vin?” asked Michael.
“Something’s wrong,” he replied.
Then the ground began to shake. “It’s going to die. It’s going to die,” Alex went on.
“Alex, shut up!” Denise barked.
Then Alex glared at them and reached out with his mind. Michael and the women fell to
their knees. Can you feel it now? Alex asked in their minds
“Alex, let me go!” Michael ordered. “Vincent’s programming is stuck!”
The planet is screaming out in pain! It tried to communicate with me, but it couldn’t!
The energy had built up in the mech’s armament, and needed to be fired soon before the
demonoid could right itself again. Before the energy backfired and killed everyone.
The demonoids are growing stronger, Alex continued, Vincent can’t disengage, Rachel
can’t pinpoint a clear future, the planet is going to die.
This was a trap!
Denise threw a counter-command at Alex and freed everyone. Risking the possible
damage to Vincent’s mind, Michael grabbed him and pulled him through the vortex as Rachel
grabbed Alex and Denise followed.
The agents disappeared into the sapphire and the blue snapped shut behind them.
The defense-mech fired its weapons at the demonoid, the energy piercing its flesh and
tunneling through the earth, something it had never proved capable of. But now the energy struck
at the center of the planet and reverberated along the continental plates, channeling force through
every fault and volcano and echoing back towards the surface.
The planet disintegrated until nothing was left but the screaming.

Balaban, Adam 3

Art by Anthony Andujar Jr. Triptych story by Adam Balaban

In the nothingness the four shadows stood watching everything.
“The best toys are the ones that never break,” said Red.
“They didn’t break this time,” Blue corrected her, “that doesn’t mean they’re
Red glanced at her. “But if they do break, then we lose our fun.”
“Triptych are proving irritating,” Green commented, pulling his collar tight around his
neck to mimic being cold. “Fun should not be irritating.”
“That’s what heroes are,” said Yellow. “‘Defenders of the real, unreal, and in-between.’”
“It’s a stupid and corny motto, but that’s why I like it,” said Blue.
“Besides, the good guys are always weak.” Yellow shoved his hands in his pockets. “And
when they do break, we’ll still be able to have fun.”
NO MATTER. They fell silent as chaos poured into the void, surrounding them. From
chaos emerged grotesqueness which shaped itself into fear. The face looked down on them. THE
Green and the others bowed reverently. “We obey.”


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