Thursday, July 18, 2019

Artist Ant Interviews People Summer Series #16: Dolo 7/17/19

Artist Ant Interviews People Summer Series #16: Dolo     7/17/19

Interviewer; Anthony Andujar Jr

Interviewee: Dolo

A Photo from the Project Dolo website.

     Hello and welcome to the Artist Ant Interviews People Summer Series! Today I have a special interviewee who I once met on the day of my birthday. I was with some friends and we were meeting up with another friend who worked at a yogurt/ ice cream shop of sorts. During the hangout, we happened to cross paths and had exchanged conversation about art. We exchanged information, and I left him a piece of art which featured him with the powers of one of his favorite comic book characters. Since then I’ve discovered that he is an artist, and so much more underneath the umbrella and title.
     This individual is the creator of his own brands such as Dolo Art LLC, Doloart95, and He is a globe trotting muralist, travelling the states and aiming to travel further beyond where no local New York muralist has gone before and he is also a rapper!  He is a man of a few words, and although you readers are used to the 23 to 30 question format, I had to reduce it for this one since he is immensely busy in his craft. So, for your reading pleasure, Ladies, Gents, Robots, and everyone on this digital landscape that we call the internet, Please welcome, Dolo! 

Q0. Who are your inspirations?

Dolo: I don't really have inspirations. I inspire myself to be greater. If I did have any inspirations it would come from the music artists I listen to while I paint. 

Q1. How did you get into art, most notably, painting?

Dolo: I've always been into art and creating art for as long as I can remember , normally would drawing or sketching then transitioned to painting.

Q2. When did you take painting seriously?   

Dolo:  I always took my ART seriously, whether it was painting, drawing or just make something from a card and some tape.

Q3. which medium do you prefer to paint with? Acrylic or oil? And why one over the other?

Dolo: I prefer Oil Paint.

Q4. What themes or subject matter do you like to explore in your work?

Dolo: I just do my own thing.

Q5. If there were any deceased creators , actors, singers, writers, etc that you would want to speak to, who would it be, and why?

Dolo: Bruce Lee or Muhammad Ali. I would talk to them about character and the martial arts.

Q6. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Dolo: Everywhere luxurious, exciting and peaceful. 

Q7. What is one word of advice that you would impart to your younger self?

Dolo: Never let your emotions overpower your intelligence.

Q8.  If you were to make a film, novel, or comic book based on an album, what album or artist would you pick?

Dolo: I would choose myself.

Q9. Who In this life, has motivated you to stay true to what makes you who are?

Dolo: Myself.

Q10. Where do you hope to see yourself in five years?

Dolo: Wealthy/financial freedom.

Q11. What color speaks to you the most and why?

Dolo: Purple. It’s Royalty 

Q12. What is your greatest strength?

Dolo: That’s something the people would have to speak on.

Q13. What does success mean to you?

Dolo: Achieving your goals. 

You can follow his art on instagram:
And his other art page:
You can also check out his latest projects, events and purchase his artwork by going to his Website:

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