Sunday, July 21, 2019

Artist Ant Interviews People Summer Series #21: Marcus Payton AKA Marpune_ 7/21/19

Interviewer: Anthony Andujar Jr

Interviewee: Marcus Payton

   Hello and welcome to the Artist Ant Interviews People Summer Series! Today I have a special guest that I’ve known for the past 5-6 years through the vast landscape of Instagram. He is an up and coming video game designer, who has been working on one of his personal video game projects for some time now. Even with the hustle and bustle of daily life, he always puts in the time and effort to get the work done. Persistence is key, and I think this gentleman has established that he is here to stay for the long run. Ladies and Robots of the Internet landscape, please welcome the Detroit, Michigan artist, Marcus Payton AKA Marpune!

Q0. Who are your inspirations?

MP: My inspirations are varied. As a teenager I was influenced by Japanese animation or anime, as it is called. I was just watching the Sci-Fi, (which is called the SyFy channel now) channel, one Saturday morning.  And, came upon what I believe is called the Robot Circus or Parade. Which was an animation anthology,  including several short anime. Which, were weird, if I had to describe them in one word. But, I liked them anyway, It was just something about the shorts, with their characters who spun themselves into a cornucopia of emotions, accented by their very emotive eyes. But, before that I was interested in American style comic books like X-Men, by Marvel and almost any comic, put out by Image, in the early 90’s.

Q1. How did you get into art, most notably writing?

MP: Well,  I was the kid that was always doodling on anything I could find. My drawing capabilities grew alongside, with my writing prowess. Although my well for art did not deepen until I was in High School. Where I met the most precarious, art teacher, Mrs. Murchand who set my creative wheels in motion. Including, assisting my enrollment in college classes, taught at Wayne State University and the Center for Creative Studies, (called College for Creative Studies now). Both universities which are well known in my state of residency, Michigan and abroad. It is in these classes I was first introduced to proper artistic human anatomy construction and related disciplines, like painting light and value.

Q2. When did you take art seriously?

MP: After Highschool I tried to be the little computer scientist that my parents had wanted, but my thirst for art, proved to be, insatiable .I enrolled at Lawrence Technological University,(for two years).Then, grew a spine and went to art school at the aforementioned, Center for Creative Studies.  I loved being around other artist. It was the latter interaction, that pushed me to get better, at my own work. Oh and it looks like everyone has come out a winner. Since, I am currently pursuing my degree in computer science. While hoping, praying and pleading for a videogame company to accept me into their folds after graduation. In all, melding my knowledge of computer programming with my artistic side.

Q3. What drives you in your daily life? 

MP: To be accepted, as a young black child I always wanted to fit in. But I felt I never did. So I threw myself into my work, hoping to find a place in this messy world and my life. I like to touch people's heart with my brush whether digital or traditional and like my name sake and the Beyonce song says, “leave a mark on this world, so everybody will know I was here.”

Q4. What made you the person that you are today?

MP: Like, almost everybody growing up I was bullied. If it was not my clothes, how I talked or how my body looked. Someone would have something to say. I learned to embrace what they call my flaws as my attributes. They are god given, he/she did not place me on this earth to blend in but to stand out.I thank my critics as a child and now. They are why my skin is thick like leather.

Q5.  If you could speak to any living creator or inspiration, who
would it be, why, and what would talk to them about?

MP: Hmm I guess I would like to meet Joe Madureira, I love his expressive art
And he breaks the norms and rules of art and anatomy to extend his mantras and ideas.Those hands!!!

Q6. If there were any deceased creators , actors, singers, writers, etc, that you would want to speak to, who would it be, and why?

MP: It would have to be Stan Lee. I always wanted to go to different comic cons and present my work. I just know, I would have met him at least once. But, I never could work out the logistics, cost included. His writing style, was and is, just so superb. He poured himself into his work, leaving little easter eggs for the readers to find. Revealing in essence who he was as a man and artist. Hey, the two can not be separated.

Q7. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?

MP: Going back to my early on obsession with anime, it would have to be Japan. There country, just seems so free, when it comes to expression of art of many disciplines and media. Also since I plan on releasing my own video games. So it would be nice to peruse with people of the country where it all started with the NES, (Nintendo Entertainment System) for me anyway. In the near future I would like to learn Japanese.

Q8. What is one thing that you fear?

MP: My biggest fear is that I will not reach all my goals. That, somehow my own self will get in the way. Whether it's procrastination or just being void of ideas sometimes. I am my worst enemy.

Q 9.  If you had a superpower what would it be and why?

MP: It would have to be mind reading. I am such a genuine person, What you see is what you get. So it would be nice to know who to trust , and who to keep at a distance.

Q10. What catches your attention when you meet people?

MP: I would have to say, their overall look and inflections, which they place on their words. I can get past their outer appearance but their will must be strong.

Q11. What is one word of advice that you would impart to your younger self?

MP: I am still learning this but, don’t take everything so seriously. There are always plains, (where your just ok) valleys, (where its ok not to be ok) a mountain tops, (where you better “turn up”, these are the best times of your life).

Q12. What are three books that you always remember or return to, and
why? How did they shape you?

MP: A Wrinkle In Time, The Never Ending Story and as an adult Interview with a Vampire
The first two books as a child fueled my quest for adventure, and how I represented those ideals in my work. The last book Interview With A Vampire, I just like the rawness of Mrs. Rice character profiles. Each unveiling more intricate layers, like an onion, as the story unfurls .

Q13. If you could continue or remake a movie, or franchise, what would
be your film of choice ?

MP: I would like to continue the story somehow, (the character dies) of the Queen in Queen Of The Damned. I like how she just seemed out of place. Which she was she slumbered for at least two millennia. And how tragic her ending was. if only she could trust someone, she would not be so set on destroying what she could not understand. Times change and so do people.

Q14.  If you were to make a film, novel, or comic book based on an
album, what album or artist would you pick?

MP: Maybe Paula Cole's album, I believe its called This Fire. The lyrics are so visual. One of the lines in This Fire, goes ”Where do I put this fire, this bright red feeling. This tiger lily down my mouth. It wants to grow to 10 feet tall”, (I think she says 10 feet it might be taller).To me this verse expresses how she wants to express her feelings, emotions, wants and needs . But feels stagnant, and with her lack of action. She has acted, she has stood for nothing and changed nothing. My visual interpretation might be surrealistic to go with her lyrics.

Q15. Who In this life, has motivated you to stay true to what makes you who are?

MP: I would have to say my Grandmother who passed. She grounded me and taught me humility. I miss her very much.

Q16. Where do you hope to see yourself in five years?

MP: I see myself as a successful video game designer/comic artist with several completed works. Living within my means comfortably .

Q17. What are three albums or songs currently, that you listen to on
repeat? And why?

MP: I would have to say Beyonce’s “Bday”, anything by the Killers and There Might Be Dragons. I am always confused that one, they might replace there, lol. I listen to them because they can appropriately reference my current mood on any given day.

Q18. What color speaks to you the most and why?

MP: It would have to bed red, its bold, and raw. It explains a place emotionally , unapologetically where I don’t go most of the time, but  I like it when I do.

Q19: What is your greatest weakness?

MP: Food, I sometimes eat my emotions then scramble to lose the weight, lol.

Q20. What is your greatest strength?

MP: My kindness, it has almost no bounds.

Q21.What's one thing that you're proud of?

MP: Myself, I have been through a lot and hey I am still here.

Q22. What is a mantra that you tell yourself?

MP: Confucius- ”This too shall pass”. It always gets better, you know.

Q23. What is success to you?

MP: Success to me is finding yourself and loving what you find.

Phoenix Art by Marcus Payton. Colors by Anthony Andujar Jr

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