Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Artist Ant Interviews People Summer Series #48: Connor McCaffrey AKA Mcaff.art 8/13/19

Interviewer: Anthony Andujar Jr

Interviewee: Connor McCaffrey

Sionam art by Mcaff.art

    Hello and welcome to the Artist Ant Interviews People Summer Series! Welcome to another edition to my latest talks with local and global creatives that are alive, hustling and thriving in their respective crafts! Today I have a special guest that I came across through the posting from another guest that I previously interviewed a week ago. I didn’t expect people to actually respond as they did to Crimson X’s interview, which was met positivity warmth amongst the Dragon Ball community. I don’t think Crimson X knows how influential his own journey is to other artists that follow his work on instagram. One artist in particular expressed how much that interview with Crimson X really inspired him, and I felt that it was only right to share that enthusiasm by interviewing this gentlemen that will be joining us today. Please welcome to the digital landscape of the matrix, Connor McCaffery AKA Mcaff.art! 

Q0. Who are your inspirations?

CM: Man. I really got to go with the living legend Akira Toriyama and the late Stan Lee. They really got me into art and I think about their work each day. But right now my most personal inspirations that I strive to reach their amount of skill has to be two main individuals who I consider to be some of the best artists out there in this community. Those two being X'avier (A.K.A. @xx_crimsonx_xx on instagram) and David (@daffduff_art as well on Instagram)

Q1. How did you get into art, most notably writing?

CM: Probably being the fact that Dragon Ball Z was the first show I truly connected to, my writing was inspired by Akira Toriyama. Art I've really been in love with since I was a kid however.

Q2. When did you take art seriously?

CM: Probably when I met the people in this community. It really opened my eyes how good people can be at this style. So around this year I decided to make my account to archive and record my growth. 

Q2.1. how did you and crimson X meet?

CM: Well I don't know him in person but I think I found his account in late 2017 and really was just mesmerized with it.

Q2.2. Do you and crimson X collaborate often?

CM: Unfortunately I've yet to have the honor to collaborate more than just inking some works of his due to how busy of a person he is and I gotta respect that. Commissions and The Zabieru Chronicles take up a lot of his time. As it should due to the quality he outputs. I would love to work with him in the future however.

Q2.3. How has your collaborations impacted your work this far?

CM: Well for the works I've inked and colored, I believe it shows me what my work can be down the road with enough practice. 

Q2.4. what kind of hurdles do you face when creating?

CM: Definitely anatomy; a hurdle I've been getting better at overcoming but I'm nowhere near where I want to be satisfied with myself as a person.

Q2.5. Do you have any upcoming projects in the works that readers should keep an eye out for?

CM: Yes. I've stated that I will be doing a fan manga that is deeply inspired by Crimson X's work. However the story will obviously be completely different.

Q2.6. What is something that you'd like to see evolve in your artwork?

CM: Definitely my anatomy and side views for the face. 

Q2.7. How do you feel about commissions work? What are the pros and cons ? How do you navigate the vicious commissions cycle?

CM: Unfortunately I haven't been commissioned to do anything quite yet. So I can't say much in that field.

Q2.8. What do you plan to do with your work before 2019 ends?

CM: Hopefully begin my fan manga if I'm able to. I don't want to start however unless I'm where I want to be quality wise.

Q3. What drives you in your daily life?

CM: Well seeing all these phenomenal artists makes me want to strive to climb over this mountain and onto the plateau they all stand high above on.

Q4. What made you the person that you are today?

CM: Probably the struggles in my family. Moving around a lot isn't easy. Someone in my family had issues with anger they would take out through me and others so that didn't lighten the mood any.

Q5.  If you could speak to any living creator or inspiration, who would it be, why, and what would talk to them about?

CM: However Akira Toriyama is my longest lasting inspiration, I'd go with Crimson X. He is undoubtedly my biggest inspiration. I'd definitely talk to him about how he's affected me which is good in all ways and thank him. Probably get some pointers and criticism and just talk about anything.

Q6. If there were any deceased creators , actors, singers, writers, etc that you would want to speak to, who would it be, and why?

CM: Definitely Stan Lee. Like many others, he's inspired many of us since a very young age. I think about his words daily and grew up on his works and the movies he made cameos in.

Q7. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

CM: Definitely Italy.

Q8. What is one thing that you fear?

CM: Letting others down.

Q9.  If you had a superpower what would it be and why?

CM: Well probably the ability to fly. That'd be nice.

Q10. What catches your attention when you meet people?

CM: Their attitude and outlook on life. Nothing but positive vibes. 

Q11. What is one word of advice that you would impart to your younger self?

CM: I'd tell him to stop being so edgy and isolated. There are people out there who can help him. 

Q12. What are three books that you always remember or return to, and
why? How did they shape you?

CM: Really from the heart I only have one and it would have to be Of Mice and Men. I only read it this year but it's story is so genuine and effortlessly connects me to the past. And the characters in it just doing their best to survive hits me to the core.

Q13. If you could continue or remake a movie, or franchise, what would be your film of choice ?

CM: I'd probably remake Dragon Ball Evolution. I need no explanation why.

Q14.  If you were to make a film, novel, or comic book based on an album, what album or artist would you pick?

CM: Frank Sinatra for sure. That man's music will continue to shake me to the core. 

Q15. Who In this life, has motivated you to stay true to what makes you who are?

CM: Now I know I've said this a lot, But Crimson X and David.  They both are like inspirations with arms and legs.

Q16. Where do you hope to see yourself in five years?

CM: Probably having finished two arcs of my fan manga and to still be in the mindset that I can still improve.

Q17. What are three albums or songs currently, that you listen to on repeat? And why?

CM: Probably "My Way"(Frank Sinatra), "Can't Help Falling In Love"(Elivs Presley) and "Day n' Nite"(Kid Cudi)

Q18. What color speaks to you the most and why?

CM: Green. It for one reminds me of my dad who of all the people I know, is who I respect the most. It also emanates feelings of Envy which for me, envy drives me to improve.

Q19: What is your greatest weakness?

CM: Probably My desire to improve. It makes me lose sleep and is all I can think about.

Q20. What is your greatest strength?

CM: Surprisingly, my desire to improve. If I didn't have that, I would have given up long ago.

Q21.What's one thing that you're proud of?

CM: The amount I've improved lately for sure.

Q22. What is a mantra that you tell yourself?
CM: “I’m better than I used to be. Better than I was yesterday. But hopefully not as good as I’ll be tomorrow.” -Marianne Williamson
Q23. What is success to you?
CM: For me, success is the end goal. In my eyes I can’t be successful, because for me there is no one end goal. Only improvement.
Dragon Ball art courtesy of Mcaff.art

 You can follow his work on Instagram:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mccaff.art/?hl=en

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