Monday, October 3, 2016

Artists Interview Artists Showcase 4: Kyle Graham by Anthony Andujar Jr

Artists interview Artists Showcase 4: Kyle Graham by Anthony Andujar Jr
Artists interview Artists series by Anthony Andujar Jr.
Interviewer: Anthony Andujar Jr.  
Interviewee: Future President of the United States of America, Kyle Graham.

 Q1. What inspired you to want to be President of the United States? How did you come around to that as an ideal goal and future occupation?
KG: First of all Obama inspired me. But why did I want to be President? Why? It's simple. I feel that out of all the people that I hear about running for President, it's always the same 4 candidates running it. You never hear about all of the other possible candidates. Is that fair? No. I feel I have the leadership abilities necessary to run the country in a better direction.

 Q2. What was it like transitioning from High School into your College career?
KG: The transition from high school to college was hard. I mean I was working prior to entering college. I worked at Ippudo for almost a solid year, and that was very difficult balancing work and college. There were days where I hated the job, but it was a leading experience, j learned a lot.   

Q3. When getting started on your daily schedule, what do you do to build the tunnel vision necessary to complete work?
KG: I'm all over the place sometimes. I don't know if I got a lot of things done but, I try to do the things in order. It's scientifically proven that human beings cannot multitask. I just do things in order.  

Q4. Who are your creative influences?  
KG: Johnny I've ( Apple), Mark Neusan and Steve Jobs in terms of vision .  

Q5. If you were to make a movie based on a album or person? Who or what would it be?  
KG: Ooh ... I don't know .. actually. I believe I would do a film about my God mother Micky Board in terms of person. In terms of album? I'm not sure.   

Q6. If you were to make a movie based on a president, who would it be, and why?
KG: Jack! Jack Kennedy! JFK man! Come on! Haha.  

Q7. If you could do your own continuation of a film or TV series, what would it be? Why that film and how would you handle the concept?
KG: Hmm, I would pick a tv series. But I would turn into a movie. The series of choice would be F.R.I.E.N.D.S. or Everybody Loves Raymond. I'd merge those two shows along with King of Queens. I'd merge those three shows into one crossover film. Those TV shows defined a generation man. It was the epitome of family.   

Q8. 30 years from now, what would you like to have seen accomplished in the USA as well as the globe?
KG: First off, myself as president is the number 1 priority because it's the only way I'll see anything accomplished. Number 2, stabilize countries in addition to stabilizing true democracy and freedom of speech in some middle Eastern countered.  

Q9. Who in the tech / entertainment industry would you like to collaborate with? What would be your dream collaboration?
KG: It would be 50cent. What would I do? There are so many things you can do now in this day and age.

Q10. What stories/ material do you look to as a source of inspiration or motivation to keep working on your craft ?
KG: My goal list that I have on my wall is my source of inspiration. Things change as time goes by, but when I look at my goals it keep me in sync with the task at hand.   

Q11. what is your biggest flaw?  
KG: I'm sure I have a flaw... That's something to think about...  

Q12. If you had a chance to speak to a deceased creator that inspired you, who would it be and what would you discuss with that specific individual?  
KG: I'd speak to JFK (John F. Kennedy). I would want to know everything! I would want to know why he was killed and instructions on how to become president. Whatever he tells me, I'll do it.  

Q13. What would you do the moment you enter office after being elected as President of the United States of America?  
KG: You know you'll have to go through ceremonial stuff, but I'd take a tour with the family around the White House. Afterwards I'd sleep because I won't be sleeping for the next 8 terms. If you're a good president, you'll be hated on after the first day.   

Q14. If you were to write a book on your life, what era would you focus on?  
KG: I'd say ask me in 30 years because I haven't lived long enough to tell you anything.   

Q15. If you had a chance to see a deceased relative? What would you hope for them to say to you?  
KG: I'd hope for her to say "Damn champ, you're doing it!"

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