Monday, October 3, 2016

Artist interview Artists Showcase 12 : Ralphy Marcano. By Anthony Andujar Jr 4/12/16

Artist interview Artists Showcase 12 : Ralphy Marcano.  By Anthony Andujar Jr   4/12/16

Artist interview Artists Showcase 12 : Ralphy Marcano.
By Anthony Andujar Jr
Conducted 2/14/16
Published 4/12/16
Q1. What was the first set of drawings that you remember creating as a child?
RM: My first set of drawings that I ever made was Digimon characters, Dragon Ball Z, (specifically Goku only) , Loony Toons, and Pokemon characters.
Q2. Was art something you stumbled upon or was it always apart of your family?
RM: I would say that art was always apart of my family. My parents used to draw, My older sister Natalie, My cousins Louis, Benjamin, Justin, my uncle Manny, (I think) all used to and /or still draw. Drawing, coloring, writing, music, fashion, it was always there.  
Q3. Who are your creative influences?
RM: My artistic influences in music: Jay Z , Chris Brown, Michael Jackson and Kanye. In terms of film actors: Leonardo DiCaprio, Denzel Washington, Daniel Day Lewis, Sean Penn, Johnny Depp. In terms of sports : Koby Bryant, A-Rod, Tom Brady, Derek Jeter, Michael Jordan, Lebron James, Ray Lewis, Ken Griffy Jr, and Serena Williams. In terms of cartoons: Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Dexters Laboratory, Samurai Jack, Tom& Jerry, Thundercats, Flintstones, Batman, Transformers, Loony Tunes and Gargoyles.  
Q4. Are you focused as a internal or external creative?  
RM: I like that question. I'd say in general I would observe the surroundings and see the struggle, try to understand and put myself to feel the struggle and relate it to my own personal struggles. I would seek something that I could relate to whether it's lyrics to songs that touch the soul. It creates a thought in my mind in the way changing / getting out my environment. It gives me confidence that I could do it in whatever I want to do. I see Jay Z, Kanye West, Chris Brown, Eminem, Nas, or writers like JK Rowling, actresses like Tina Fey, getting out and making something of themselves is motivational. I see them as motivators, from the environments that they came out of and where they are now.  
Q5. Which film or franchise would you do your own interpretation, or continuation of? What would you keep? Or Change ?  
RM: Um, I would do Transformers. Starting from Revenge of the Fallen to Age of Extinction. I would do those over. Why? I feel like it was everywhere in terms of plot. I'd make it more realistic, exciting and intense and not repetitive or predictable. Another film I'd redo would be Man of Steel. I believe it could have been better. I want superman to have super scenes, action and excitement. As a fan of superheroes, comics , DC and Marvel, (in this particular case, DC) it's just something that people want to see in a superman movie. It wasn't a bad movie, it's just that in terms of expectation, it wasn't what most were expecting or hoped for it to be.  
Q6. What is the most difficult part of the creative process for you?  
RM: the most difficult part in creating is just.. Creating!.. Where do I begin?! When you go for the first draft, you don't know how or where to build on in terms of beginning , middle and end. Especially in terms of what can come before and after in a story. The excitement of writing the ideas and feeling certain about the placement of it. You could brainstorm and won't know ow to organize it all until you do. Whether it's words, drawing, a beat, or designing clothing , it's gotta feel like it's Alive. It's gotta be more than just words. It's gotta make you expand as a person and make you flow confidently.  
Q7. If you could make a comic, novel, or film based on an album, which album and artist would it be and why?
RM: That's good! Whew .. I'll be honest, I'd make a book about Kanye West's Graduation. The stories behind every track is just me. I feel like Kanye really did himself on that album with stuff that you can relate to. Songs like "you can't tell me nothing", "good night", "good morning", "how I wonder" , etc. that album itself had tracks that were placed so perfectly like a chapter book. The reason why I chose the format to be a book is because starts as words on paper. Soon after that , they end up on the big screen. There are some novels, and comics that don't make it to the big screen. Just the stories in each track is just a perfect match. You want to visualize the experience in what I lived, if not me, then others. It's crystal clear what Kanye is saying and how he relates to us.  
Q8. If you could speak to a deceased creator, who would it be? Why? And what would you hope to discuss?  
RM: That's hard bro, that's hard. There are so many great creators that walked this earth. Shakespeare was a creator ? right? I would like to know how he prepped his creativity, the stories and how did he get his ideas. I'd like to hear the real Shakespeare speak to me, and not in the way that the people tell us. I would ask about his own experience and how stumbled across art and whether it was something he wanted to do or something he was surrounded by. I'd like to pick his brain as a writer myself to see what I could improve and expand upon, learn what he knows and be my teacher. There's more to creativity than what you see. Artist I'd add would be Micheal Jackson, Tupac, Biggie, along with Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Andy Warhol, and ancient Egyptian Artists who created the art and tombs .
Q9. If you could speak to any living creator, who would it be? What would you hope to collaborate with them on and why?
RM: Ha! That's easy! Hov (Jay Z), Kanye West, and Chris Brown. I would love to talk about our personal lives, and where they get their creativity from in terms of music and transitioning to rapping/ singing about it. I'd like to talk to them and hear their views on the industry and what keeps them going. Jay Z , I'd talk to him about business, I'd collaborate with Kanye on fashion and I'd collaborate with Chris Brown on drawings and art in general. All three of them I'd talk about relationships and how they deal with the spotlight through one on one conversation. I'd ask their real thoughts and feelings about it.  
Q10. What advice would you advise to the next generation or to your past self?
RM: I'm gonna go with my younger self and it's gonna be deep. To my younger self: I'd say always stay focused, life is what you make it. Enjoy being you, being young and don't rush growing up. Make the most out f every moment. Appreciate, cherish learning, love, be at peace. Take care of others and take care of yourself more emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. Don't give so much to others that won't reciprocate. Live by your world and word. What people show you, take it as what they really are and  
Q11. What would you hope to see yourself have 30 years from now on terms of accomplishment and what would you reflect on?
RM: 30 years from now, wow! To be honest I'd reflect on now, the present. As of now I don't have it all, I have nothing. But I know that nothing defines me. 30 years from now I will do what I accept and expect for myself to be, very ambitious, with a family , a great house / apartment, good salary, career etc. 30 years from now I won't be the same person, my character will change, I'll speak will be different. I'll reflect and say "wow, I was there and now I'm here." It would be emotional because it would be a drastic change. Not everyone gets to accomplish their dreams. But just to achieve the dream and to become the dream, just to take pride in the idea that I brought myself to this point despite the blood , sweat, tears, the overall struggle, that I could see the beauty of it all.  
Q12. What era of your life would you write a book about?  
RM: Wow, in terms of era that I'd focus a book on, I'd focus on the past 6 years (2010- 2015). Within the past 6 years it was life changing. The females, the pain, heartbreak, relationships, sex , drugs, alcohol, fatherhood, young adulthood, education, adapting to change and change of self.  
Q13. What do you feel as an artistic medium best represents you?
RM: My writing as art best represents me. I believe my writing best represents my thoughts , my feelings and what I can't say to anyone. I write it all down on paper. The paper, the pen, my fingers, it all just connects. I don't want what I write to fall on deaf ears. I just want it to take me somewhere. I make love to the paper and release my thoughts. I'll just write and write and write until it's all out.
Q14. What character in various forms of fiction do you feel represents or reflects you ?  
RM: Relate to the most? I don't know , I was gonna say Iron Man although I'm not a billionaire. But I relate to Wolverine and Iron Man. Why? Because it's their character , wolverine is aggressive. He's not with the bullshit and the misconceptions he gets from people. He doesn't back down, he's a badass. Iron Man , I relate because he's a playboy and confident. I have the confidence.... I'm advanced.. Haha! Very simple. I relate to his class and make my presence felt as soon as I enter a room. I'm just someone that people want to know what he's about.  
Q15. What is your biggest flaw?  
RM: My biggest flaw is that I have too big of a heart.  
Q16. What is your biggest fear?  
RM: My reflection in the mirror. I see me, but a different version of me, being heartless, going against everything that I stand for. I see me not giving a fuck when it comes to relationships. Not being loyal, becoming a liar, being lost, losing my purpose, drive, dedication, to doing or seeking what I love and losing the journey of becoming a better me.

Note: I've been busy since March working on creative writing and oil painting assignments so far in this semester. I will resume posting new Interviews soon. keep an eye out!! New stuff coming soon!

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