Monday, October 3, 2016

Artist Interview Artists Showcase 9: Lindsay Marcano by Anthony Andujar Jr 2/14/16

Artist Interview Artists Showcase 9: Lindsay Marcano by Anthony Andujar Jr 2/14/16

Interviewee: Lindsay Marcano
Interviewer: Anthony Andujar Jr
Q1. Was art always apart of your family or was it something you stumbled upon?

LM: I'd say it's in my family.

Q2. What were your creative influences as a child?

LM: I'd say a lot of animated series. Dragon Ball Z, Power Puff Girls, some other superhero animated series and the Simpsons. Music wise there are some Christian and secular artists I can't seem to pinpoint. Literary wise, Judy Blume, Dr Seuss, the Bible and God.   

Q3. What do you find the most difficult in the creative process?

LM: Finding a title at times. Something that's difficult is trying not to be repetitive.   

Q4. If there was an album that you could make a comic, novel, or film based on it, what album would you choose and why?

LM: I would say Panic At The Disco's first album. But I would probably do the same for Cobus, Justin Nozuka, and probably you. I don't know if I would do a Paramore album as a movie or novel.  

Q5. If there was a movie or franchise that you could make your own interpretation or continuation of, what film would it be and why?

LM: Batman: The Dark Knight. In a perfect world we'd have Heath Ledger alive. I would make Jack get on the boat in Titanic which would lead to a sequel. Because there was totally space on that boat. The movie Stand By Me, I would have liked to see all of the characters such as River Pheonix's character all grown and older. I would have explored and showcased them all interacting and still together after all those years.  

Q6. What theme do you often create from? Tragedy or happiness?

LM: that's kind of hard for the fact that I've had instances where I've created stuff based on both positive and negative feelings. I'd say that positive things are what I tend to write. Even with negative things I'll write some down to earth stuff, but I mostly write on positive things. So mostly happiness.   

Q7. As a creative, are you focused on the internal or external ?

LM: I'm more influenced by the internal than external.   

Q8. If there was a deceased creator /writer/artist/director that you could speak to, who would it be ? Why them? And what would you hope to discuss?

LM: Someone I'd like to speak to from movies is Norma Shearer. She was the president or married to the president of MGM (I think). You could google it for the correct information. When I watched her movies I became interested in her characters. It's funny, she lived in the transitionary times from black and white to color films. I'd like to ask her about her thoughts on her own works as well as what women do in modern times and how they interact with men. In addition I'd ask her thoughts on how far women and humanity have progressed and accomplished. I'd even be interested in talking to people who may have been misunderstood or have only been seen through one point of view within history such as Marie Antoinette. I'd like to see a fresh perspective that isn't sourced from a text book.

 Q9. Any living creators that you would like to speak to or collab with? What would you work on with them and why?

LM: It would be cool to meet Cobus. I feel that's a harder question now because I know of so many people. Probably Hayley Williams. There are some rappers like Lecrae among others. I'd be interested in the studio process , making sounds and how they go about creating/mixing beats.

 Q10. If you could write a book about an era in your life thus far, what would you focus on?

LM: I want to give you an answer but I don't want to give it away in case I write that book. Maybe at some point I'd write about our adventures at school but outside of school and the adventures with Mikey at the pier. I'd probably write about growing up as an artist and about my sense of humor too. I'd probably focus on writing and drawing too.  

Q11. What is your biggest a flaw?

LM: My biggest flaw is that I don't write my ideas or record them. I guess when you got something wrong, it's nice to refresh and not lose an idea that can be improved. I have to make sure my ideas are intact.

Q12. What was your first set of drawings?

LM: Like mentioned, Moseley Dragon Ball Z , and Power Puff Girls. I used to draw houses , grass, and facial features like eyes, eyebrows , lips, whatever i see. Which I found I drew better anyway.   

Q13. Was art always apart of your desired career path?

LM: The career path was very much desired. Although I'm not in the school that I want not the major, I still love to play the drums. The drums if my first love in terms of instruments. I'm thankful to God everyday for that gift. I'm glad that I continue to practice playing those instruments along with the keyboards. I'm also interested in the human body which is another major that comes to mind. Also, I'd look into linguistics due to knowing different languages. I think people like it when you know their language and understand them. When I was working at a supermarket there was a deaf woman and I was able to communicate with her through ASL (American sign language ). Both our faces lit up when we communicated. That pushes me and inspires me to combine each career field of interest into one since concerts incorporate ASL , it's possible to make it work.   

Q14. What would you advise to the next generation or to your younger self?

LM: I would advise that patience surely is a virtue. I'd tell my younger self "good job" with the patience factor. I know I've grown, I think that when I was younger I was still mature and that still applies now. I'd advise my younger self to keep practicing a sense of encouragement and I'd warn my younger self as well.   

Q15. If there was a character in comics, novel, tv or film that you could compare yourself to , who would you relate to the most?  

LM: Okay, I'd say I'll compare myself in anime to goku. Why? Because he always likes to challenge himself and when it comes to how fast I play on drums or performing drum cadences etcetera. It's not competition and like Goku I like to eat a lot of food. Other characters I'd say I'd relate to in terms of dry/ dark humor would be Juno, Bella Swan, Deadpool, Spider-Man, characters from films such as Mean Girls, Clueless, or the Hot Chick. I can say that deadpool's humor is similar to me. I see a lot of things that I say comic wise. In addition I relate to Jessica Jones and batman as well. There is a book about a Christian girl who inspires a guy become more outgoing after she interacts with him. I can't remember the title of that book, but it focuses on dwelling on failure and doing things right. You can't think that you're exclusive to things in life because when whatever happens in life, will happen no matter what.

 Q16. Where do your picture yourself 30 years from now and what would you hope to reflect on and have achieved?  

LM: I'd picture myself 30 years from now creating music , helping people through teaching and producing. I'd probably have a book of poetry and still being passionate about what I love. I don't believe in passions fading away, because if that's the case, then there was no passion there to begin with, it would be only infatuation. Infatuation is what fades, not passion. I see myself with a husband, or a family, or kids if I wanted. I mostly see myself still creating working towards my doctorates. Probably reflecting on how I got here, or reflecting on this moment speaking to you. I'd think about young people and our expressions and how it can live on through them, making sure technology hasn't consumed them. I hope that people can still express what they feel and show their work. I see myself driving haha. I guess being successful, even if I'm going through a hard time, I'd probably see myself still patient helping people.

 Closing Statement:  

LM: I don't know.. Till Next Time!

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